BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 Administrator's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

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Upgrading Meridian client computers automatically

Meridian client computers can be upgraded automatically with new Meridian software. This can be particularly convenient if your organization has many Meridian client computers or the computers are remote from your location.

Automatic upgrades are executed by the program AMUpdateU.exe, which resides in the folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Cyco Shared. This program is executed automatically each time the computer reboots. AMUpdateU looks for the following registry key for software updates that should be installed on the client.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\Update

The values found in this key are used to find corresponding sections in an AMUpdate.ini file located in the BC-Meridian Extensions folder on the Meridian application server. The file does not exist by default. AMUpdateU executes the upgrade packages listed in the file and updates the ExitCode value of the preceding key. This prevents the same upgrade from being installed more than once.

Note    For the upgrade to succeed, the client computer’s user must have privileges to modify the computer’s registry and to install software components. For example, it must be a member of the computer’s Administrators group. If this does not comply with your security policy, consider providing the users the privilege on a temporary basis only until the upgrade is installed on all client computers.

Tip    AMUpdateU can be used to deploy more than just software updates, as described in Deploying standard viewer settings.

NEW   Note    Automatic update is disabled on Meridian application servers when a rescue account is specified as described in Creating a rescue account for security administration. Updates will still occur on the client computers.

Refer to the following topics for information on preparing the Meridian computers for automatic upgrades.

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Upgrading Meridian

Preparing the Meridian server computer

Installing hotfixes automatically

Preparing the Meridian client computers

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Upgrading an existing installation

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